New Karate Articles

Lets Talk about Getting Back into the Dojo!

it can be very intimidating to start training again after taking time off

Technical Video Guide


Here are just some of the proven benefits fitness has to offer:
  • Better sleep.
  • Better concentration.
  • Improved emotional health.
  • Improved heart health.
  • Improved self image.
  • Stronger immune system.
  • Strength and flexibility
  • Healthier weight

Martial arts builds confidence

Martial arts deters bullies

Along with the martial arts skills, children learn how to deflect verbal and physical confrontation through role-playing exercises and guidelines.

Martial arts students learn how to be in control during such situations — on the playground, bullies get the message.

In karate, all ability levels are always practicing at the same time, so everyone is getting the benefit of the workout and simultaneously increasing their skill level.

And while ability levels are different for different people, EVERYONE has a technique that they are good at. And while some individuals are more naturally talented physically than others, no one is great at everything. But you CAN be really good at a lot of things!

Karate Seminar Videos


Come train with us!

Martial arts is the best fitness program for  kids and adults:

  • Total body workout: Martial arts is a high-aerobic workout that uses every muscle group in the body. Your stamina, muscle tone, flexibility, balance and strength will all improve through martial arts.
  • Stress relief: In martial arts you get to kick, punch and scream, which is a great stress release no matter what your age. In addition, the ancient practices of martial arts have a calming affect that melts the stress away.
  • Reach and maintain your healthy weight: Due to the total-body nature of a martial arts workout, tons of calories are burned during every class. However, you’ll also find that your natural eating signals become better regulated so food cravings will disappear and you’ll eat less as a result.
  • Learn self-defense skills: Unlike any other form of exercise, with martial arts you learn potentially life-saving self-defense skills at the same time you are getting in shape.
  • Better self confidence: This reason tops the list. Due to the goal setting, positive encouragement and respect for values that are part of all martial arts programs, the greatest benefit usually reported by martial arts students is greater self confidence. You become more comfortable in all situations – whether you’re in danger or simply doing a task that takes you beyond your comfort zone — and you’ll discover you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Karate History


The main gate of Saiin (birth institute). There are statues of Kongo wrestlers (Nio) on the left and right sides of the front of the gate, and large sandals on the west. The current building was rebuilt in 1889 (Meiji 22), but the statue of the Kongo wrestler was made in the North and South Dynasties and Ao 3 (1370). In the past, the Ishibashi in front of the Niomon Gate was called "Hatsubashi" because it could only pass on the 20th of every month.